Scopus Author ID: 56208111700 (Citation: 253; h-Index: 9)

Googlescholar ID: 3u8Ro5MAAAAJ (Citation: 390; h-Index: 11; i10-Index: 12)

ResearchGate (RG) Score: 24.70

ISI Researcher ID: E-6400-2010

ORCID: 0000-0003-3915-4640 (Reviewer Gate): Verified reviewer/611 merit



Khaled M. Ashry, Thabet A. Ibrahim, Abd El-Karem A. Mahmoud, Yasser S. El-Sayed. Hazards Effects of Industrial Fluoride Toxicity on Bovines in Some Villages in Behera and Gharbia Governorates, EGYPT. 8th Scientific Congress of Egyptian Society for Cattle Diseases, Dec. 11 – 13, 2005, Assiut, Egypt.


Yasser S. El-Sayed. Turmeric (Curry) – Antitumorigenic Agent, REVIEW.  Assiut Environmental Studies and Research Center, Environmental Bulletin, (Issue-27) August 2006.

Yasser S. El-Sayed, Talaat T. Saad, SabryM. El-Bahr. Acute Intoxication of Deltamethrin in Monosex Nile Tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus with Special Reference to the Clinical, Biochemical and Haematological Effects. Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology, 2007, 24 (3): 212-217. PMID: 21783813


Yasser S. El-Sayed, Talaat T. Saad. Subacute Intoxication of a Deltamethrin-Based Preparation (Butox® 5% EC) in Monosex Nile Tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus L., Basic & Clinical Pharmacology & Toxicology, 2008, 102(3): 293–299.PMID: 18053029


Riad H. Khalil, Yasser S. El-Sayed. Toxicity of Aflatoxin B1 in Marine ‎Water–Reared Sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax L.). 1st International Workshop on ‎the Aquatic Toxicology and Biomonitoring, 27-29 August, 2008, Vodňany, ‎Czech Republic (Abstract). Minufiya Vet. Med. J. 5(2): 529-540.‎


Yasser S. El-Sayed, Riad H. Khalil, Talaat T. Saad. Acute Toxicity of ‎Ochratoxin-A in Marine Water-Reared Sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax L.). ‎Chemosphere, 2009, 75(7): 878-882.‎PMID: 19230951


Yasser S. El-Sayed, Riad H. Khalil. Toxicity, Biochemical Effects and Residue ‎of Aflatoxin B1 in Marine Water-Reared Sea Bass (Dicentrarchus Labrax L.). Food ‎and Chemical Toxicology, 2009, 47(7): 1606-1609.‎PMID: 19375478


Yasser S. El-Sayed, Mahmoud S. El-Neweshy. Impact of Lead Toxicity on ‎Male Rat Reproduction at "Hormonal and Histopathological Levels. 45th ‎Congress of the European Societies of Toxicology, 13-16 September, 2009, ‎Dresden, Germany Toxicology Letter, 2009, 189S: S219-S220 [Abstract]. Toxicological & Environmental Chemistry, 2010, 92(4):765-774.


Yasser S. El-Sayed. Feed Toxicants Affecting Embryo Survival and Fetal Development. 1st Alexandria Workshop "Women and Child Health: Food and Environmental Pollution", 25-28 July 2009, Alexandria, Egypt [Abstract].


Khaled M. Ashry, Yasser S. El-Sayed, Rania M. Khamiss, Ibrahim M. El-Ashmawy.Oxidative Stress and Immunotoxic Effects of Lead and Their Amelioration with Myrrh (Commiphora molmol) Emulsion. Food ‎and Chemical Toxicology, 2010 (48)1: 236-241. PMID: 19818824


Mahmoud S. El-Neweshy, Yasser S. El-Sayed. Influence of Vitamin C Supplementation on Lead-Induced Histopathological Alterations in Male Rats. Experimental & Toxicologic Pathology, 2011 (63)3: 221-227. PMID: 20056397


Yasser S. El-Sayed, Omnia I. Mohamed, Khaled M. Ashry, Salah M. Abd El-Rahman. Using Species-Specific Repeat and PCR-RFLP in Typing of DNA Derived From Blood of Human and Animal Species. Forensic Science, Medicine, and Pathology, 2010 (6)3: 158-164. PMID: 19946768


Hany F. Ellakany, Somia S. Abu-akkada, Samah S. Oda, Yasser S. El-Sayed. Influence of Low Levels of Dietary Aflatoxins on Eimeria tenella Infections in Broilers.Tropical Animal Health and Production, 2011 43(1): 249-257.PMID: 20737287


Lebda A. Mohamed, Mahmoud S. El-Neweshy, Yasser S. El-Sayed. Neurohepatic Toxicity of Subacute Manganese Chloride Exposure and Potential Chemoprotective Effects of Lycopene. NeuroToxicology 2012 33(1): 98–104. PMID: 22192907  The 48th Congress of European Societies of Toxicology - ‎EUROTOX 2012‎ “Safety Science Serving Society” June 17-21, 2012, Stockholm, Sweden.


Samy A. Algedawy, Magdy K. Soliman, Ibrahim M. Elashmawy, Yasser S. El-Sayed. Effect of Commercial Probiotic and Exogenous Enzymes on the Growth Performance, Immune Response, and Hemato-biochemical Parameters of Broiler Chickens. Proceeding of the 4th Animal Wealth Research Conference in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA), Giza, Egypt, October 3-5, 2011, Pp. 430-445.;jsessionid=5ABE2C80C21810BBF92FCB1F959FD353


Mahmoud S. El-Neweshy, Zeynab K. El-Maddawy, Yasser S. El-Sayed. Therapeutic Effects of Date Palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.) Pollen Extract on Cadmium-induced Testicular Toxicity. Andrologia 2013 45(6): 369–378. PMID: 22998418


Yasser S. El-Sayed, Dalia H. Samak, Ismail Y. Aboghanema, Magdy K. Soliman. Physiological and Oxidative Stress Biomarkers in the Freshwater Monosex Nile Tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus L., exposed to Pendimethalin-based Herbicide. Environmental Toxicology. 2015 30(4): 430–438. PMID: 24293324


The 23rd International conference entitled “Environmental Protection is a Must” hold by International Scientists Association (ISA) in association with EURO-Arab Cooperation Center (VEA), Organization of Islamic Capitals and Cities (OICC) and Emirates College of Technology, May 11-13, 2013, Alexandria, Egypt.


Yasser S. El-Sayed, Ryuhei Shimizu, Atsuto Onoda, Ken Takeda, Masakazu Umezawa: Carbon Black Nanoparticle Exposure during Middle and Late Fetal Development induces Immune Activation in Male Offspring Mice. Toxicology 2015 327(2): 53-61. PMID: 25451823. The 7th International Nanotoxicology Congress - NANOTOX 2014, April 22-27, 2014 in Antalya, Turkey.


Yasser S. El-Sayed,Mohamed A. Lebda, Mohammed Hassinin, Saad A. Neoman: Chicory (Cichorium intybus L.) Root Extract Regulates the Oxidative Status and Antioxidant Gene Transcripts in CCl4-Induced Hepatotoxicity. PloS One 2015 10(3): e0121549. PMID: 25807561.


Omnia I. Mohamed, Abeer F. El-Nahas, Yasser S. El-Sayed, Khaled M. Ashry. Ginger Extract Modulates Pb-induced Hepatic Oxidative Stress and Expression of Antioxidant Gene Transcripts in Rat Liver. Pharmaceutical Biology. 2016 54(7):1164-72.PMID: 26079851.


Mohamed M. Abdel-Daim, Ramadan Taha, Waled E. Ghazy,Yasser S. El-Sayed. Synergistic Ameliorative Effects of Sesame Oil and Alpha-lipoic Acid against Subacute Diazinon Toxicity in Rats: Haematological, Biochemical and Antioxidant Studies. Canadian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology 2015, Doi: 10.1139/cjpp-2015-0131.


Yasser S. El-Sayed, Ahmed M. El-Gazzar, Abeer F. El-Nahas, Khaled M. Ashry. Vitamin C Modulates Cadmium-induced Hepatic Antioxidants' Gene Transcripts and Toxicopathic Changes in Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2015, Doi: 10.1007/s11356-015-5412-8.


Yasser S. El-Sayed, Ossama S. El-Okle, Shafenaz M. Hassan, Nabil M. Bakir. Poisoning of Cattle Feeding on Allium ampeloprasum (Egyptian kurrat). Journal of Veterinary Science & Medical Diagnosis 2015 4(4): 1-4.


Yasser S. El-Sayed. Nanoscience Impacts on Next Generation. In: Takeda K. (ed.) 33rd Meeting of Japanese Society of Health Education of Children: International Symposium on Science and Education for the Future Generations. Tokyo University of Science, Main Hall, Seminar House, Tokyo University of Science, Noda City, Chiba, Japan. 2015, Pp: 8-9.


Hammad S., Abdel-Wareth A.A.A., El-Sayed Y.S. In vitro-in vivo correlation: Hepatotoxicity testing. Journal of Experimental and Applied Animal Sciences, 2015 1(3): 384-387.


Mohie M. Haridy, Yasser S. El-Sayed. Highlight report: Software for Tissue Analysis and Reconstruction. EXCLI Journal. 2015 14: 1055-1056. DOI: 10.17179/excli2015-587.


El-Sayed Y.S.Time Course of Histomorphologic Features During Chronic Burn Wound Healing. Forensic Medicine and Anatomy Research (FMAR) 2016 4(1):1-4.


Shaheen H.M., Onoda A., Shinkai Y., Nakamura M., El-Ghoneimy A. El-Sayed, Y.S., Takeda K., Umezaw M. The Ceramide Inhibitor Fumonisin B1 Mitigates the Pulmonary Effects of Low-Dose Diesel Exhaust Inhalation in Mice. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2016 132:390-6. DOI: 10.1016/j.ecoenv.2016.06.025


أخر تحديث للصفحة : 9/2/2016 8:25:49 PM
عدد القراءات : 2496

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