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Lectures by Dr. Nadia Nouihi, "Political History of the Byzantine Empire", Second Year, Department of History Dear students of the second year of history, you can now view the sixth lecture of M... المزيدWednesday, 30 October 2019
wahdat tiknulujia almaelumat bialkiliyat taeqid warshat eamal liltaerif bikhadamat almawqie alrusamaa lilkuliya taht rieayat alsayidat al'ustadhat aldukturat hanan alshafea eamid alkuliyat walsyd al'u... المزيدWednesday, 30 October 2019
Within the framework of the directives and recommendations of His Excellency President / Abdel Fattah El Sisi - President of the Republic and Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces to support technical... المزيدWednesday, 30 October 2019
Damanhour University participated in the activities of the First African Universities Youth Week held in Aswan University. The university won the second place in the five-way football and beach volle... المزيدWednesday, 30 October 2019
The College Administration announces that the deadline for the submission of files for students of the first year of the new students and candidates for the college on Monday, 14/10/2019, all students... المزيدTuesday, 8 October 2019
تعلن إدارة النشاط الثقافى بالإدارة العامة لرعاية الطلاب عن تنظيم مسابقة ثقافية تحت شعار (موThe Cultural Activity Department at the General Administration of Student Welfare announces the organization ... المزيدMonday, 7 October 2019
تعلن إدارة الكلية عن فتح باب التحويلات لطلاب الفرقة الأولى المستجدين والمرشحين للكلية للعام الجThe College Administration announces the opening of transfers for first year students and candidates for ... المزيدSaturday, 5 October 2019
All the students of the fourth year of the college, whose names are male students who did not take the military education course, please note that these names were included in the first session of the... المزيدSaturday, 5 October 2019
Prof. Dr. / Ahmed Abdul Aziz Issa - Vice Dean for Education and Student Affairs adopted the preliminary results of admission to the departments of the College for the first year students and candidate... المزيدFriday, 4 October 2019
Under the patronage of Prof. Dr. / Khaled Abdel Ghaffar - Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, and Prof. Dr. / Obaid Saleh - President of Damanhour University... المزيدFriday, 4 October 2019
The Standing Committee for Scientific and Technological Cooperation (COMSTECH) of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) announces awards aimed at encouraging and supporting scientific contribu... المزيدThursday, 3 October 2019
Prof. Dr. Ahmed Amin Selim, Professor of Archeology, Faculty of Arts, Alexandria University, sincere thanks and appreciation to all colleagues and sons of the faculty for the wonderful and distinguish... المزيدThursday, 3 October 2019
The Department of Archeology and Greek and Romanian Studies announces the start of receiving applications for the Division of Ancient European Studies and the successful students of the Department of ... المزيدThursday, 3 October 2019
Prof. Dr. Ahmed Abdul Aziz Issa, Vice Dean for Education and Student Affairs, has approved the result of admission to the Division of Maps and Surveying Department of Geography for the academic year 2... المزيدTuesday, 1 October 2019