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Ph.D. Degrees

Damanhour University grants, based on the proposal of the Faculty Council, scientific degrees according to the following departments:
1- Department of Anatomy and Embryology
2- Department of Histology and Cells
3- Department of Physiology
4- Department of Veterinary Medicine
5- Department of Biochemistry
6- Department of Animal Wealth Care and Development
7- Department of Nutrition and Veterinary Clinical Nutrition
8- Department of Food Health Control
9- Department of Microbiology
10- Department of Animal Health and Common Diseases
11- Department of Pathology and Parasitology
12- Department of Poultry and Fish Diseases
13- Department of Obstetrics
14- Department of Surgery
15- Department of Animal Medicine
16- Department of Forensic Medicine, Toxicology and Veterinary Procedures


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