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The department of animal nutrition & deficiency diseases deals with the nutrition

of animals and applying of the constants formulas according to the aim designated for the animal livestock (i.e. whether meat or milk production or breeding). Proper feeding of the animal is also important to avoid several nutritional disorders

and diseases. So, our subject deals with the deficiency of one of the food

constituents on the animal health.



Graduate Education:

Animal Nutrition: Two semesters (Second year students).



Research Programs

Animal Nutrition



Head of the department

Prof. Usama El_sayed Mahrous


Department members

1. Dr. Hamada Abd El-Aziz

2. Vet. Mervat A. Abdel Haleem

2. Vet Mohamed Abd El-Moneim


Last Update : 3/27/2017 11:20:00 AM
Reads Count : 14145

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