Physiology is the science deals with the biological study of the functions of living organisms and their parts, and the activities of life or of living matter (as organs, tissues, or cells). Physiology is the study of life, specifically, how cells, tissues, and organisms function. Physiologists are constantly trying to answer key questions in areas ranging from the functions of single cells to the interactions between the animal and our environment. Physiology is important because it is the foundation upon which we build our knowledge of what "life" is, how to treat disease, and how to cope with stresses imposed upon our bodies by new environments. Physiological studies of normal biological function provide the basis for understanding the abnormal function seen in animal and human disease and for developig new methods for treating those diseases.
Graduate Education
Veterinary Physiology: Two semesters (2nd year students).
Research Programs
Head of the department
Dr. Ismail Abo Ghanima
Department members
Vet. Hanan Aly Ghonem
Vet/ Ataa Mohamed AbdElreheem