• White peafowl : Javascript Slideshow Provide students with knowledge assets
  • White peafowl : Javascript Slideshow Provide oversight of Food Hygiene
  • White peafowl : Javascript Slideshow Counseling and veterinary diagnostic services
  • White peafowl : Javascript Slideshow Granting degrees (scientific Diploma - Master - Ph.D)
  • White peafowl : Javascript Slideshow Labor market supply local and regional veterinary doctors
  • White peafowl : Javascript Slideshow It was created to serve the Beheira Governorate

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The mission of the department is to give students good idea about the diseases widespread among fish and poultry, which will help to increase their production in Egypt.



Graduate Education

  1. Diseases and Hygiene of poultry 2 courses (5th year student)

  2. Diseases and Hygiene of Fish (4th year student)


Research Programs


  1. Diseases and Hygiene of poultry

  2. Diseases and Hygiene of fish




Head of the department

Prof. Haney Fawzy El-Lakany



Department members

Prof. Dr. Hatem Salah El-Deen

Prof. Magdi Khaliel

Dr. Ahmed Ragab El-Besatoy

Vet. Abdellah 

Vet/ Ahmed Ramadan Gado

Last Update : 3/27/2017 11:30:37 AM
Reads Count : 13336

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