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Animal Behaviour
Vision and Mission
Behavioral courses
Animal Wealth Departement
Anatomy & embryology
Animal Physiology
Animal Nutrition
Pathology and Parasitology
Food Hygiene
Poultry and Fish disease
Internal Medicine and Infectious
Fronseic medicine
Hygiene and Zoonoses
Higher education affairs
Postgraduate Studies Regulations
Diploma Degrees
Master Degree
Ph.D. Degrees
Higher education services
Research Repository
Community services
Food Safety Lab
Provide students with knowledge assets
Provide oversight of Food Hygiene
Counseling and veterinary diagnostic services
Granting degrees (scientific Diploma - Master - Ph.D)
Labor market supply local and regional veterinary doctors
It was created to serve the Beheira Governorate
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استخدامات السونار في التشخيص المعملي" دورة تدريبية في رحاب كلية الطب البيطري"
أهلا ومرحبا بكم في الموقع الرسمي لكلية الطب البيطري
Department of Animal and Poultry Behavior
About the Department
The Department of Animal and Poultry Behavior and Care - Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Damanhour University is one of the specialized scientific departments of the college.
The specialization of animal and poultry behavior is an essential part of veterinary medical sciences that contribute significantly to diagnosing diseases, understanding their nature and determining their causes, thus providing an excellent opportunity to acquire the skills and knowledge necessary to work in the veterinary medicine sector, in addition to contributing to the societal and environmental role.
The department seeks to contribute to the graduation of veterinary medical cadres and researchers who are scientifically and skillfully qualified to practice the tasks and roles of the veterinarian in directing health care and improving the diagnosis of diseases, which contributes to improving care, prevention, treatment and the progress of veterinary medicine in general in a manner that keeps pace with quality requirements and the labor market and meets the needs of the local community to develop livestock and poultry wealth and is consistent with the mission and vision of the college and work ethics.
To make the Department of Animal Behavior and Poultry Care with its five subjects (Animal Behavior and Care - Animal Welfare - Pet Breeds) at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Damanhour University one of the leading departments locally, regionally and globally and to have the ability to achieve the highest levels of competition, excellence and continuous development in teaching care, designing animal housing and scientific research related to its sciences.
Based on the mission of the college - the department works to provide the labor market with competent veterinarians familiar with animal behavior sciences, modern care methods, animal comfort and welfare sciences, and pet and poultry behavior and care sciences and to provide them with the technical skills necessary to increase and develop animal wealth and compete locally and regionally in addition to seeking to improve scientific research in the field of animal and poultry behavior and care.
Some research activities are also carried out to study the environmental effects on animal behavior and work to enrich care methods according to the conditions of the Egyptian environment.
Strategy Objectives:
Teaching animal and poultry behavior and care to undergraduate and postgraduate students
Graduation of veterinarians capable of caring for different animals with farm design based on the scientific approach to increase animal welfare
Conducting scientific research in the field of animal and poultry behavior and care
Holding seminars and workshops for veterinarians and workers in the field of animal and poultry behavior and care
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