Regularity of First Semester Exams at Damanhour University Ensured
Amidst Comprehensive Measures
Prof. Dr. Maged Sho’ala - Vice President of Damanhour University for Education and Student Affairs, emphasized today
the regularity and progress of the first semester exams for the current academic year. He stated that several procedures
and measures have been implemented across the university’s faculties to ensure the seamless operation of the examination process.
Sho’ala noted that the university, under the leadership of Prof. Dr. Elhamy Trabees, is committed to providing an ideal
environment for students during their exams, ensuring both comfort and ease.
Additionally, Prof. Dr. Manal Mustafa - Acting Vice President for Graduate Studies and Research- highlighted
the importance of having specialized subject professors present within the exam halls. These professors are available
to assist students with any inquiries, address any issues that arise during the exams, and ensure the clarity
and quality of the question papers.
Last Update :
31/12/2024 05:42 PM