• M. M. Sharaf, M. A. El-Edel and Mona El Said (2010).Selection against and for abdominal fatness in Japanese quails. ISSN 110-2047 Alex. J. Vet. Science vol. 30 no. 1: (33-44).
  • M. M. Sharaf, M. A. El-Edel and Mona El Said (2010). Indirect selection against abdominal fatness in Japanese quails. ISSN 110-2047 Alex. J. Vet. Science 2010 vol. 30 no. 1: (45-55).
  • El-edel M. A., Ahmed H. A., El Kholya S. Z. and Mona El Said (2012).Effects of l-carnitine supplementation at Forced feeding period on growth performance and proximate compositions of breast muscle and liver of Muscovy and Moulard ducks.7th Int. Sci. Conf., MANSOURA. 28 - 30 August 2012: 811-95.
  • Ayman E. Taha, Mohamed A. El-Edel, Hany F. El-Lakany and Ramadan. S. Shewita (2012).Growth Performance and Immune Response Against Newcastle and Avian Influenza Vaccines in Egyptian Chicken Strains. Global Veterinaria 9 (4): 434-440.
  • Mahrous U.E., M.M. Aboghanima, M.A. Eledel, and H. S. Abd-EL Hamed, (2012):Impact of Breed, Juvenile Triacylglycerol level and Feeding Emblica Officinalis on Productive performance and Carcass quality of Ducks.World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 67 2012.
  • Nagwa I. Mohamed, Abd El-Gawad S. El-Tahawy, Mohamed A. El- Edel, Sherief Z. Kamel, Usama E. Mahrous (2014). Effect of Probiotic Supplementation on Productive Performance and Economic Efficiency of Arbor Acres and Cobb300 Broilers. Alexandria Journal of Veterinary Sciences 2014, 43: 65-72 ISSN 1110-2047, www.alexjvs.com.
  • Rashed R. Rashed and M.A. El-Edel (2015). Behavior and Performance of Growing Rabbit under Various Floor Types. Global Veterinaria 14 (1): 149-155.
  • Rashed R. Rashed and M.A. El-Edel (2015).Effect of Stocking Density on the Behavior and Performance of Growing Rabbits. International Journal of Agriculture Innovations and Research Volume 3, Issue 5, ISSN (Online) 2319-1473.
  • Mohamed A. El-Edel, Sherif Z. El-kholya and Usama A. Abou-Ismail (2015). The Effects of Housing Systems on Behaviour Productive Performance and Immune Response to Avian Influenza Vaccine in Three Breeds of Ducks. International Journal of Agriculture Innovations and Research Volume 3, Issue 5, ISSN (Online) 2319-1473.
  • El-Edel M.A., Abo Ghanema I.I. and Rashed R.R. (2015). Impact of BCG Vaccination on Productive Performance and Immune Response to Avian Influenza Vaccine in Two Breeds of Ducks. Global Veterinaria 14 (3): 425-431.
  • Mona E. Younis, Mohamed A. El-Edel, Sherif M. Nasr, Usama E. Mahrous and Mahmoud M. Aboghanima (2016).Response of Cobb and Sasso broilers Feeding Restriction and Tryptophan Supplementation. Alexandria Journal of Veterinary Sciences 2016, Oct. 51 (1): 127-134
  • Ayman E. Taha, Osama A. AbdAllah, Khalil M. Attia, Ragaa E. Abd El-Karim, Mohamed E. Abd El-Hack, Mohamed A. El-Edel, Islam M. Saadeldin, Elsayed O. S. Hussein  and Ayman A. Swelum  (2019).Does in Ovo Injection ofTwo Chicken Strains with Royal Jelly Impact Hatchability, Post-Hatch Growth Performance and Haematological and Immunological Parameters in Hatched Chicks? Animals 2019, 9, 486; doi:10.3390/ani9080486.
  • Ayman E. Taha Saber S. Hassan Ramadan S. Shewita Ahmed A. El-seidy Mohamed E. Abd El-Hack El-sayed O.S. Hussein Islam M. Saadeldin Ayman A. Swelum Mohamed A. El-Edel  (2019).Effects of supplementing broiler diets with coriander seed powder on growth performance, blood haematology, ileum  microflora and economic efficiency. J Anim Physiol Anim Nutr. 2019;00:1–10.           
  • Rab N. Soomro  Mohamed E. Abd El-Hack Syed S. Shah Ayman E. Taha Mahmoud Alagawany Ayman A. Swelum Elsayed O.S. Hussein Hani A. Ba-Aawdh slam Saadeldin Mohamed A. El-Edel Vincenzo Tufarelli (2019).Impact of restricting feed and probiotic supplementation on growth performance, mortality and carcass traits of meat-type quails. Anim Sci J. 2019;00:1–8.   
  • Ismail E. Ismail, Sameh A. Abdelnour, Sabry A. Shehata, Mohamed E. Abd El-Hack, Mohamed A. El-Edel, Ayman E. Taha, Michele Schiavitto and Vincenzo Tufarelli (2019).Effect of Dietary Boswellia serrata Resin on Growth Performance,  Blood Biochemistry, and Cecal Microbiota of Growing Rabbits. Front. Vet. Sci. 6:471. doi: 10.3389/fvets.2019.00471
  • Heba A. Basha, Mohamed A. El-Edel, Rashed. R. R, Ahmed H. A. (2019).Effect of magnetic treated water on some productiveand behavioral performance of two breeds of rabbitsat pre and post weaning stages. Bioscience Research, 2019 16(S1-2): 42-52.
  • Mahmoud M. Abo Ghanima, Mohamed A. El-Edel, Elwy A. Ashour, Mohamed E. Abd El-Hack, Sarah I. Othman, Maha A. Alqaraawi, Ahmed A. Allam and Asmaa F. Khafaga Ayman H. Abd El-Aziz, (2020). The influences of various housing systems on growth, carcass traits, meat quality, immunity and oxidative stress of meat-type ducks.  Animals 2 March 2020, 10, 410; doi:10.3390/ani10030410 
  • Ishikawa a, A., El-Edel, M. A., Essa, B. H (2019).Differences in growth and fat deposition between White Plymouth Rockand Nagoya breeds as a tool for QTL analysis. Damanhour Journal of Veterinary Sciences 1(2019) 21-26
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