(Thesis, Papers and Books)



I. Remote Sensing& Geographic information system (GIS):


  1. Abd El-Hady, A.M. (1987)Remotely Sensed Studies Related to Desert Soils of South-Western Sinai (Egypt) Ph.D. Thesis, University Paris 6 (Universite P. et M. Curie) , 4  4 Place Jussieu  , Paris Cedex 05 , France.
  2. Abd El-Hady, A.M., Ahmed, S.G. and El-Raey, M (1990)Satellite image transformation for soil surface indices. Regional Symposium of Environmental Studies . (UNARC) Alexandria Univ. pp. 190-201, El Raey (ed.)
  3. Abd El-Hady, A.M., El-Raey, A.M. and Ahmed, S.G. (1990)Remotely sensed distinction of soil surfaces by factor analysis. Egypt. J.Appl. Sci. 5 (8): 304-316.
  4. Abd El-Hady, A.M., Rognon, P., Escadafal, R. and Pouget M. (1991).Contribution of Landsat data (MSS) to soil survey: application to the soil of south western Sinai (Egypt). Int. J. Remote Sensing, 12 (5): 1053-1061.
  5. Abd El-Hady, A.M., Escadafal, R., Rognon, P. and Callot, Y. (1992)Mapping of zones resources of wind-deposited soils by Landsat-5 (TM) data. Egypt. J. Soil Sci. 32 (1): 57-70.
  6. Abd El-Hady, A.M. (1992) Discrimination of gypsiferous, calcareous and sandy soil surfaces, using the principal components (PC) transformation of Thematic Mapper. Egypt. J. Soil Sci. 32(1): 71-81.
  7. Abd EL-Hady, A.M., Abdel-Kader, F.H. and Bahnassy, M. (1997)Limitation and potential of remotely-sensed soil surface mapping, Maruit Plain, west Noubaria, Egypt. Alex. J. Agric. Res. 43 (1): 95-108.
  8. Abd El-Hady, A.M., Abdel-Kader, F.H. and Bahnassy, M. (1999)Remotely sensed mapping of waterlogged soils At Nubaria and Problems and Solutions. International Conference on Environmental management, health and sustainable development 22 – 25 March (1999) Alex. Univ.
  9. Abd El-Hady A.M. (2003)GIS – Soils Mapping  of 7000 Fadden Reclamation Project , Office of Engineering Consultations , Smoha ,Alexandria ,Egypt , Tel : 02/03/4260534-   0123569713, Email : moghazy@yahoo.com (2002-2003)
  10. Abd El-Hady, A.M., Abd El-Kader, F.H., Slaeh, A.M. (2004)Accuracy assessment of remote sensing data classification for soil surface mapping, Egypt. J. of Remote .Sensing &Space Sciences. V.8,pp.39-50
  11. Abd El-Hady, A.M., Abd El-Kader, F.H., Slaeh, A.M. (2004)Integration of digital  terrain model, thematic mapper and land quality data for land degradation and suitability modeling :El-Omyed –NW Coast, Egypt.  National Conference on "New approaches in soil technology"   12-12-2004, Egypt. Soil Science Society.
  12. Abd El-Hady A.M. (2005)GIS-Hydrological Studies of Heal Region (Saudi Arabia). Technical Report , Office of Engineering Consultations of Ahmed Fared Mustafa ,  El-Madena El-Mounora ,Post Box : 3787, Saudi Arabia ,Tel :00966412127 , email : Maktoob.com
  13. Abd El-Hady A.M. (2005)Remotely Sensed Evaluation of Soils Potentiality (Heal Region - Saudi Arabia). Technical Report , Office of Engineering Consultations of Ahmed Fared Mustafa ,  El-Madena El-Monroe ,Post Box : 3787, Saudi Arabia ,Tel :00966412127 , email : Maktoob.com
  14. Abd El-Hady A.M. (2005)Evaluation of land and Water Resources of Wadi Khaiber (Saudi Arabia) by Remote Sensing and Geographic Information. Technical Report , Office of Engineering Consultations of Ahmed Fared Mustafa ,  El-Madena El-Mounora ,Post Box : 3787, Saudi Arabia ,Tel :00966412127 , email : Maktoob.com
  15. Abd El-Hady A.M. and Agage, A.M (2010) GIS – land capability of Abo Matamir, El-Bohhera governorate. Technical Report ,  El-Bohhera governorate
  16. El-Sharkawy, M.M., Abd El-Hady, A.M. Arafat, S.M., Aagge, A.M (2012 ) Precision Farm Using Remote Sensing and GIS for Potato Management , J.  Agric. & Env. Sci. Dam. Unvi., Egypt :11 (1) 60-77
  17. Abd El-Hady, A.M, Bahnassy, M. H and Abdelaty, E.F, (2011) Accuracy Assessment of Thematic Mapper and ASTER Satellite Data for Mapping of Soil Surface Conditions (El-Dabaa Region, Northern Coats, Egypt)  , J. Agric. & Env. Sci. Dam. Unvi., Egypt: 10 (1) 99-118.
  18. Abd El-Hady, A. M, Abdelaty, E. F,  Boder, A. E , GIS – Mapping of heavy metal soil pollution  ( In prep. )
  19. Abd El-Hady, A. M, Abdelaty, E. F, GIS-Compressive Analytical Approach  for Soil Use : linking Soil Numerical Classification to Soil Management and Reclamation 
  20. Abd El-Hady , A.M, Bahnassy, M. H , Abdelaty , E.F (2011) Accuracy Assessment of Thematic Mapper and ASTER Satellite Data for Mapping of Soil Surface Conditions (El-Dabaa Region, Northern Coats, Egypt)  , J. of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (ISSN 1687-1464),Volume (10) - No.1 , pp.99118- April 2011
  21. Abdrabelnabi M. Abd El-Hady Emad F. Abdelaty (2019 )GIS - comprehensive analytical approach for soil use by linking crop soil suitability to soil management and reclamation , Article 6, Volume 40, JANUARY- MARCH - Serial Number 1, Alexandria Science Exchange Journal ,Fac. Agric. , Alexandria University , DOI: 10.21608/ASEJAIQJSAE.2019.27532
  1. Abd Hady, A.M. And Saad,E.F(2013) Forecasting of Water Crisis and Water Requirements of Wheat Cultivated at The Northern West Coast  (  Egypt )  17th Annual –Energy-Utility- Environment –Conference –    ( EUEC), 3 – 5 February ( 2014)  , Track : Sustainability & Water , Phoenix Center ,Arizona , USA


  1. Abdelaty, E. F., Abd El-Hady, A. M., Bahnassy, M. and Mourd, A. Y. (2013) Morphological and Hydrological Analysis by Geographic Information Systems for   Rainfall Harvesting Under Climate Change (El-Dabaa Region, North-Western Coast, Egypt). 2-4 December 2013, the first International Conference “Food and Agriculture: new Approaches”.Agriculture and Biology Research Division, National Research Center, Cairo, Egypt
  1. Mourad A.Y., Abd EL-Hady M.A., ALZoheiry A.M and Abdullah A.M.  ( an 2015) Effects of foliar spray by   Kaolin on water unit productivity, yield, and some physiological parameters of tomato plants (Solanum lycopersicum L.) grown under water deficit conditions , J. Agric. & Env. Sci. Dam. Unvi., Egypt: 10 (1) 120-128.
  1. Abd El-Hady A.M., Aggage A.M., Abdelaty E.F., Bahnassy M.H (2016) GIS-Forecasted Surface Hydrology for Reducing Risks of Food Production (Northern West Coast, Egypt) 19th Annual –Energy-Utility- Environment –Conference –          ( EUEC) 3 – 5 February ( 2016)  , Track : Water Supply & Security , San Diego Convention  Center , San Diego  , California  , USA .


  1. Abd El-Hady, A. M, Abdelaty, E. F,  Boder, A. E(2016) Assessment of heavy metals  pollution of some water resources (KAFER EL-DAWR - EGYPT) Natural Resources , Vol.8 No.4 20173 06-319  ISSN Print: 2158-706X, ISSN Online: 2158-7086 , https://doi.org/10.4236/nr.2017.84019    https://www.scirp.org/journal/NR/
  1. Abd El-Hady, A. M, Abdelaty, E. F,  Boder, A. E (2018) GIS-Mapping of Soil Available Plant Nutrients (Potentiality, Gradient, Anisotropy)  Open Journal of Soil ScienceVol.08 No.12 , PP: 315-329Article ID:89031,15 pages 


  1. Abdel-Hady, A.M. (1981)Pedological studies of gypsiferous soils, east of the Bitter lakes, Suez Canal Region,Egypt ,   M.Sc. Thesis, Suez Canal Univ.
  2. Noman, K.I., Abdel-Kader, F.H., Abd El-Hady, A.M. and Ali, O.M. (1982)Gypsiferous soils, east of the Bitter Lakes, Suez Canal Region: 1-Pedological studies. Res. Bull. Ain Shams University, No. 2220: 1-24.
  3. Abdel-Kadar, F.H., Noman, K.I., Ali, O.M. and Abd El-Hady, A.M. (1982)Gypsiferous soils, east of the Bitter Lakes, Suez Canal Regional: 2-Mineralogical Studies. Res. Bull. Ain Shams University, No. 2021: 1-22.
  4. Noman, K.I., Abdel-Kader, F.H., Abd El-Hady, A.M. and Ali, O.M. (1982)Gypsiferous soils, east of the Bitter Lakes, Suez Canal Region: 3-Factors affecting gypsum determination methods and the effect of gypsum on some soil characteristics. Res. Bull. Ain Shams University, No. 2022. 1-17.
  5. Abd El-Hady, A.M., Noman, K.I. and Regnon, P. (1988)A computerized method for processing the particle size distribution data. Annals of Agric. Sci. Moshtohor, 26 (1): 595-605.
  6. Abd El-Hady, A.M., El-Fakhrani, Y.M. and Matloub, M.A. (1991)Farm planning and kriging mapping, Farm of Fac. Agric., Univ. Suez Canal, Ismailia, Egypt. J. Appl. Sci. 6 (12): 163-173.
  7. Sabrah, R.E., Abd El-Hady, A.M.; Abd-Aal, S.I. and Rabie, R.R. (1992)Relationship of electrical conductivity to ion species concentration in soil extracts. Egypt. J. Appl. Sci. 7 (6): 365-382.
  8. Abd El-Hady, A.M., Sabrah, R.E.A.; Rabie, R.K. and El-Aal, S.I. (1993)Soil reaction (pH) as influenced by soil Water extract ratio and salt content in sandy soils J. Agric. Mansoura Univ., : 18 (5) 1554-1561.
  9. Abd EL-Hady, A.M.; Matloub, M.A. and EL-Fakhrani,Y.M. (1994). Accuracy of some geostatical techniques of mapping soil evaluation categories. Bull. of Suez Canal Univ. AppL. Sci. Vol. (3): 259-271.
  10. Abd El-Hady, A.M. (1994)Predication of surface temperature of sandy soils by Arima (AR, MA) model. Egypt. J. Appl. Sci. 9 (9): 121-134.
  11. Abd EL-Hady, A.M. and Sabrah, R.E.A. (1994) Response of wheat yield and quality to available water of a conditioner incorporated-sandy soil. Egypt. J. Appl. Sci.9 (12): 812-820.
  12. Abd EL-Hady, A.M. (1995)Classification of some sandy soils irrigated with iron-rich ground water. Alex. J. Agric. Res. 40 (3): 429-442.
  13. Abd EL-Hady, A.M. (1997)Numerical taxonomy and suitability of sandy soils of EL-Gassim region, Saudi Arabia. Egypt. J. Soil Sci. 37 (2): 217-230.
  14. Abd El-Hady, A.M. (1997)Clay minerals with special interest to smectites species (Wadi EL-Brouk, Sinai Peninsula). Zagazig J. Agric. Res. 24 (2): 317-329.
  15. Morsy, A.M., Abd El-Hady, A.M.; Noaman, K. And Hassan, M. (1997) Significance of the particle size distribution of some alluvial fans soils. Zagazig. J. Agric. Res.24 (2): 331-341.
  16. Shabayek, A.A. and Abd EL-Hady, A.M. (1997)Nitrogen mineralization: potential and regime of some egyptian soils. Egypt. J. Appl. Sci. 12 (8): 593-608.
  17. Abd EL-Hady, A.M.(2003) GIS – Soils Mapping of 7000 Feddans Reclamation Project. Technical report , Engineering Consultations , Smoha ,Alexandria , Egypt , Tele : 02/03/4260534-   0123569713, Email : moghazy@yahoo.com
  18. Abd EL-Hady, A.M.(2005) GIS-Hydrological Studies of Heal Region, Saudi Arabia. Technical report , Engineering Consultations of Ahmed Fared Mustafa ,  El-Madena El-Mounora , Post Box : 3787, Saudi Arabia ,Tel :00966412127 , email : Maktoob.com
  19. Abd EL-Hady, A.M.(2005) Remotely Sensed Evaluation of Soils Potentiality, Heal Region - Saudi Arabia. Technical report , Engineering Consultations of Ahmed Fared Mustafa ,  El-Madena El-Monroe ,Post Box : 3787, Saudi Arabia ,Tel :00966412127 , email : Maktoob.com
  20. Abd EL-Hady, A.M.(2005) Evaluation of land and Water Resources of Wadi Khaiber (Saudi Arabia) by Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Technical report , Engineering Consultations of Ahmed Fared Mustafa ,  El-Madena El-Mounora ,Post Box : 3787, Saudi Arabia ,Tel :00966412127 , email : Maktoob.com
  21. Abd EL-Hady, A.M.( 2010) GIS – Soils Evaluations  of Nile Bank Company ,Technical report , Engineering Consultations , Smoha ,Alexandria , Egypt , Tele : 02/03/4260534-   0123569713, Email : moghazy@yahoo.com
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