احمد محمد حرب ربيع حماد
عضو هيئة التدريس بكلية زراعة
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The conferences List
The 2020 Google’s Geo for Good Summit, 20-21 October 2020, Virtual meeting.
The 8
International Conference on Sustainable Development (ICSD-2020), 21-22 Sep 2020, New York, USA [online].
The European Geoscience Union (EGU) General Assembly 2020. 4-8 May, Vienna, Austria [online].
The 2019 ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual Meeting | Nov. 10-13 | San Antonio, Texas.
The 2019 Georgia Water Resources Conference, University of Georgia, Athens, GA, USA, 16 Apr – 17 Apr 2019.
The 19th International Conference on Heavy Metals in the Environment (ICHMET) 2018, University of Georgia, Athens, GA, USA, 22 July – 25 July 2018.
The 43rd, Annual Conference of the Association of Egyptian-American Scholars (AEAS), Zewail City of Science and Technology (ZC), Giza, Egypt, December 22 - December 24-2016.
The international conference "EnviroInfo 2016 - Environmental Informatics – Stability, Continuity, Innovation: Current trends and future perspectives based on 30 years of history, HTW university, Berlin, Germany, September 14-16, 2016.
The 4
International Conference on Enhancing Scientific Research: Excellence in Innovation and Sustainable Development, Tanta university, Tanta, Egypt, July 25-27, 2016.
The First International Conference of Genetics and Its role in life science development, Alexandria, Egypt, 19-22, April 2016.
The BioVision conference, New Life Sciences: “
The Road Ahead
” Alexandria, Egypt, April 12-14, 2016.
The BioVision conference “
New Life Sciences: The Next Decade.
” Alexandria, Egypt, April 7-9, 2014.
The First International Conference “Food and Agriculture new Approaches”, 2-4 December 2013, National Research Centre, Cairo, Egypt.
European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly 2013, Vienna, Austria. 07 – 12 April 2013.
2013 1st Journal Conference on Environmental Science and Development (JCESD 2013 1st), Rome, Italy. 24-25 February, 2013.
UNESCO World Science Day for Peace and Development, City of Science, Napoli, Italy. 10 November 2012.
IIASA’s 40th Anniversary Conference: worlds within reach from science to policy. Vienna, Austria. 24 – 26 October, 2012.
The 4th International Congress of ECSSS, EUROSOIL 2012 “soil science for the benefit of mankind and environment”, Bari, Italy. 2-6 June, 2012.
Taza GIS-Days: the International conference of GIS Users, Fez, Morocco, Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah University, May 23-24, 2012.
The 8th International Soil Science Congress on "Land Degradation and Challenges in Sustainable Soil Management", Çeşme -Izmir, Turkey, Ege University, May 15-17, 2012.
The 4th on-line climate conference CLIMATE 2011 / KLIMA 2011, " "Climate Change and Disaster Risk Management", 7-12 November 2011.
ESRI Europe, Middle East and Africa User Conference 2010. "ESRI EMEA". 26-28 October 2010, Rome, Italy.
"Climate Change and the Sustainable Management of Water Resources" 1-7 November 2010 – Online conference, Germany.
Commonwealth Climate Change Communication Conference (C5) - Online conference – 24-26 November 2010.
ESF-ZiF-Bielefeld Conference, Environmental Change and Migration: From Vulnerabilities to Capabilities. 5-9 December 2010, Bad Salzuflen, Germany.
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