المشاركه فى قافله طبيه لاهالى باجوش ورأس الحكمه خلال الفتره من 20-23 اغسطس


لمشاركه فى قافله طبيه لاهالىمطروح   خلال الفتره من 25-28 يونيو

Attended the FLDP training program in Alexandria university in 2008 / 2009 about the following:-


                    - Ethics

                    - Effective teaching

                    - Effective communication

                    - University administration

                    - Effective presentation

                    - Information technology


Participated in the 2nd Annual Scientific Meeting entitled "New vision in nursing administration" Wednesday, 18th NOVAMBER, 2015.-Chaired the organization of The 2nd graduation ceremony of 2014, Faculty of Nursing, DAMANHOUR University, 30/1/2016, at mirage hall. -Chaired the 1st international scientific conference of faculty of nursing, Damanhur university entitled creative path for nursing in new era, 30/10/2016.





-Attended  a work shop  on the sidelines of  the 1st international scientific conference of faculty of nursing , Damanhur university entitled "lean six sigma"30/10/2016,To Dr/Mahmoud Eldamaty


-Attended a work shop on the sidelines of the 1st international scientific conference of faculty of nursing, Damanhur university entitled "writing for publication"31/11/2016, to prof. dr /Roger Watson.




Attendance  the 2nd scientific forum on climate and water entitled" Scientific research  and sustainable development of water resources in Egypt" ,23-24,novamber ,2016



أخر تحديث للصفحة : 2/25/2017 8:13:43 PM
عدد القراءات : 741

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